Kick-off Meeting of the portuguese team in Alentejo

Nov 5, 2024 | DR3 Alentejo (Portugal), Events, News

On October 21, 2024, the Portuguese partners of the DRYAD project gathered in Évora, Alentejo, for an engaging kick-off meeting organized and led by CCDR-A and LNEG, the key coordinators in this region. This significant meeting marked the official start of collaborative efforts to explore the application of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) within the montado ecosystem and to introduce the DRYAD project to the Portuguese team.

The day began with a comprehensive presentation of DRYAD which stands for “Demonstration and Modelling of NBS to Enhance Resilience.” Once the participants got an overview of the project’s purpose, they disccused the concept of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and its crucial role in addressing environmental challenges while promoting sustainable land management. The discussion extended beyond definitions and partners’ experiences, focusing on the specific environmental challenges faced by the montado ecosystem and the potential impacts of implementing NBS within it.

Following these initial discussions, the meeting shifted to a technical focus, showcasing innovative methods for data acquisition and monitoring. Experts presented various agro-eco-hydrological models, emphasizing their importance in simulating and extrapolating the impacts of NBS. To plan the application of NBS effectively, participants analyzed each Pilot Demonstrator Area (PDA) and engaged in a preselection process to determine which NBS would be applied in each location.

The success of this meeting relied on collaboration, commitment, and the active sharing of scientific knowledge and insights, all of which are crucial for launching the DRYAD project in Alentejo. The enthusiastic spirit and cooperation displayed during this kick-off meeting lay a strong foundation for future initiatives aimed at achieving sustainable solutions.

Take a look at the photos of the event, down below and stay tuned for more updates!