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With the long-term view of protecting Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral ecosystems (MAEs) from climate impacts and extreme conditions, DRYAD Project aims to implement real-life, climate-resilient nature-based solutions (NBS) for MAEs. These solutions will be developed, tested and demonstrated cooperatively with all the relevant actors in 5 different demonstration regions. Achieving regional and citizen mobilization in co-creation, co-implementation, and co-validation processes will lead Dryad to accomplish the creation of real, widely re-applicable solutions with long-lasting impacts.

“DRYAD aims to provide tools and implementation guidelines to promote sustainable and climate-resilient practices and facilitate regional adaptation plans” 

Specific objectives



Developing and testing novel scientific tools and models to enhance the resilience of the Mediterranean agroforestry sector.


Demonstrating methodologies and management approaches in PDAs focussing on increase of MAE resilience to climate change and on mitigating multi-risk conditions by implementing NBSs with the support of a Living Lab approach. 


Demonstrating solutions transforming PDA methodologies and management approaches
into DRs.


Improving reliability and dissemination of scientific methodologies and management approaches related to hydrological, biophysical and socio-economic aspects to face multi-risk conditions through bridging existing high Technology-Readiness Level (TRL) modelling components into the LL.


Co-creating and mutual learning processes at the local level, replicable, through a Community of Practice (CoP) approach; 


Growing multistakeholder’s awareness on the opportunity and effectiveness of NBSs, through a set of tools and processes oriented to enhance resilience toward multiple ecological and socio-economic risks linked to climate change.


Supporting regions and local authorities in defining and developing a multilevel governance framework to tackle multi-dimensional, multi-level, and inter-sectoral policies.